Valuation Reports

This chapter contains the following topic:

Introduction to Valuation Reports

Selecting the Valuation Report

Selecting the History Valuation by Date Report


Introduction to Valuation Reports

Use the Valuation report to print details for the current value of a range of inventory items for one or all warehouses

Use the and History valuation by date to print valuation amounts of a range of items up to a specific date.

The Valuation report shows current inventory values only. If using LIFO or FIFO, it provides values from the layer file / table. If not, the values are calculated from data in Items or Statuses.

The purpose of the inventory History valuation by date report is to appraise the value of inventory items for one or all warehouses as of a certain date (cut-off date). Appraisal is done by looking at the Inventory Transaction history. For each selected item, the quantity-on-hand, cost and price is printed.

The Valuation report provides more details than the History valuation by date report. The Valuation report looks at current quantities only so it does not provide a cut-off date. It varies based on the valuation method used.


If the status quantities or layer quantities become out of sync with Inventory History the inventory values may not be equal when comparing both reports. Under normal usage this should not happen. If the values and quantities are not the same, under certain conditions running the Recalculate inventory quantities utility may correct this. To run this utility see the Additional I/C Utilities chapter.

Both reports have an option to print by the inventory account number assigned to the items.

Selecting the Valuation Report

If you are using the LIFO or FIFO inventory valuation method, you have the option of showing LIFO/FIFO layers. Depending on the valuation method chosen, some fields may be different.

The actual cost appearing on the report is calculated differently depending on the valuation method:

For the Average Cost and Standard Cost valuation methods, this is the running average cost.
For the LIFO and FIFO valuation methods, the average cost is calculated based in data in the Layers at the time the report is generated.


Valuation report from the Reports menu.

The following screen displays:

Graphical Mode

Character Mode

Field variations

Your screen may vary from the above display for the following reasons, and the fields are renumbered to accommodate variations:

The above screen is for multi-warehousing. If you are using single-warehousing, you will not see the Warehouse field.
The Use standard or actual cost ? field only displays if you use the Standard cost valuation method.
The last two fields depend on which selection you have chosen.

Enter the information as follows:



If you are using multi-warehousing, enter the warehouse code for which you want the report printed, or use one of the options:


For the Central warehouse


For "All" warehouses


For a list of warehouses to select one


Up to two characters


Press <F5> for All warehouses.


If you are not using multi-warehousing, you will not be able to enter the Warehouse field. In character mode all field numbers will be one less than the numbers shown in the screen shot above.

Starting item number and

Ending item number

Enter the range of item numbers to include on the report. Follow the screen instructions.


Press <F2> for the First and Last item number.

Group by inventory account number

Answer Y to restrict the report to a single inventory account, or to group items by inventory account. Your entry in the next field determines the grouping.

Answer N to print the items in item number order. If you answer N, the next field displays (Not applicable).


Graphical mode: Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is unchecked

Character mode: One letter, either Y or N. The default is N.


Press <Enter> for the default.

Inventory account number

If you chose not to group by Inventory account, this field displays as (Not applicable). Enter the inventory account for which to print the report.


You may also use the options:


For next inventory account


For the previous inventory account


For the default inventory account as defined in Control information


For "All" inventory accounts. Items will print grouped by inventory account


Press <F5> for All Inventory accounts.


Enter the vendor number to print the report for only one vendor.


You may also use the following options:


To include All items regardless of whether they have a vendor number


To include only those items which do not have a vendor number


Up to six digits


Press <F5> for All vendors.

Product category


Enter the category to print the report for only one product category.

You may also use the following options:


To include "All" items regardless of whether they have a category


To include only those items which do not have a category


Up to five digits


Press <F5> for All categories.

Product sub-category

If you entered Blank in the previous field, this field also displays as Blank and may not be changed.

Enter the product sub-category for the items to be printed.


You may also use one of the following options:


To include "All" items regardless of whether they have a sub-category


To include only those items which do not have a sub-category


Up to five characters


Press <F5> for All sub-categories.

Suppress blank lines

Answer Y to eliminate blank lines between items on the report. Answer N if you wish one line to be skipped prior to printing each item.


Graphical mode: Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is checked

Character mode: One letter, either Y or N. The default is Y


Type Y and then press <Enter>.

Include items with zero quantity on hand

Answer Y to include items with zero quantity on-hand. Answer N to exclude items with zero quantity on-hand from the report.


Graphical mode: Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is unchecked

Character mode: One letter, either Y or N. The default is N


Press <Enter> to accept the default.


If you answer N, an item with zero quantity on-hand in the ItemClosed record will still appear on the report if one or more of the Status records for the item are non-zero. Additionally, under LIFO and FIFO, if the quantity on-hand is zero but there are layers for the item, the item will show up on the report. In this case, the integrity of your data is in question and you should consider running Recalculate inventory quantities. This utility is described in the Additional I/C Utilities appendix.

Use standard or actual cost

If you are using the standard cost method, this field can be entered.

Select Standard costor Actual cost. In character mode enter S or A.


Graphical mode: Drop down list. The default is Standard cost

Character mode: One letter, either S or A. There is no default


In our example we are not using standard costing, so this field will not display.

OK or Cancel

Select OK to continue. Select Cancel to return to the previous screen without printing.

In character mode from Field number to change, make changes to any field as needed. When finished select enter to continue.

Additional question for Average or Standard Costing Methods

Select Yes if you wish to have warehouse detail printed showing the quantity on-hand, quantity-committed and inventory cost.

Additional Screen for LIFO or FIFO Costing Methods with Multiple-Warehouses

The following screen displays where you may enter additional report criteria when:

You are using the LIFO or FIFO costing method
You are using multiple-warehouses and you selected "All" warehouses in the Warehouse field

Print warehouse detail

This field can only be entered if you are using multiple-warehouses and in the Warehouse field you selected "All" warehouses.

Check this box if you wish to have warehouse detail printed showing the quantity on-hand, quantity-committed and inventory cost.


Graphical mode: Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is unchecked

Character mode: One letter, either Y or N. The default is N

Print LIFO (FIFO) layers

The costing method, as part of the field name, changes depending on the costing method used.

Answer Y if you want to have the layers of the item printed.


Graphical mode: Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is unchecked

Character mode: One letter, either Y or N. The default is N


Type:Y and then press <Enter>.

OK or Cancel

Select OK to display a list of printers to print the report. Select Cancel to return to the menu without printing.

In character mode from Field number to change, make changes to any field as needed. When finished select enter to display a list of printers to print the report.

Additional Question when Using LIFO or FIFO Costing and Reporting on One Warehouse

The following question displays if:

You are using single-warehousing
You are using multiple-warehouses and you select one warehouse in the Warehouse field

Print LIFO (FIFO) layers ?

The costing method, as part of the question, changes depending on the costing method used.

Select Yes if you want to have the layers of the item printed. Select No if you do not want layers to be printed. Select Cancel to return to the previous screen.


Yes, No or Cancel. The default is No



Selecting the History Valuation by Date Report

Use this selection to print a report detailing the current value of inventory items for one or all warehouses as of a certain date. You may select all or part of the inventory.


History valuation by date from the Reports menu.

The following screen displays:

Graphical Mode

Character Mode

Character Mode Field variations

Your screen may vary from the above display for the following reasons, and the fields are renumbered to accommodate variations:

The above screen is for multi-warehousing. If you are using single-warehousing, you will not see the Warehouse field.
The Use standard or actual cost ? field only displays if you are using the Standard cost valuation method.

Enter the information as follows:



If you are using multi-warehousing, enter the warehouse code for which you want the report printed, or use one of the options:


For the Central warehouse


For "All" warehouses


For a list of warehouses to select one


Up to two characters


Press <F5> for All warehouses.


If you are not using multi-warehousing, you will be able to enter the Warehouse field, In character mode all field numbers will be one less than the numbers shown in the screen shot above.

Starting item number and

Ending item number

Enter the range of item numbers to include on the report. Follow the screen instructions.


15 characters


Press <F2> for the First and Last item number.

Cut-off date

Enter the cut-off date for the report.

Any inventory transaction history records on or before this date, that fall with in the other report criteria, will be included on the report.


6 digits



Group by inventory account number

Check the box to restrict the report to a single inventory account, or to group items by inventory account. Your entry in the next field determines the grouping.

Leave it unchecked to print the items in item number order. If you leave it unchecked, the next field cannot be entered.


Graphical mode: Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is unchecked

Character mode: One letter, either Y or N. The default is N.


Press <Enter> for the default.

Inventory account number

If you chose not to group by Inventory account, this field displays as (Not applicable). Enter the inventory account for which to print the report.


You may also use the options:


For next inventory account


For the previous inventory account


For the default inventory account as defined in Control information


For All inventory accounts. Items will print grouped by inventory account.



Press <F5> for All Inventory accounts.


Enter the vendor number to print the report for only one vendor.


You may also use the following options:


To include “All” items regardless of whether or not there is an associated vendor number


To include only those items which do not have a vendor number


To select a vendor from a list of vendors


Up to six digits


Press <F5> for All vendors.

Product category


Enter the category to print the report for only one product category.

You may also use the following options:


To include "All" items regardless of whether they have a category


To include only those items which do not have a category


Up to five digits


Press <F5> for All categories.

Product sub-category

If you entered Blank in the previous field, this field also displays as Blank and may not be changed.

Enter the product sub-category for the items to be printed.


You may also use one of the following options:


To include "All" items regardless of whether they have a sub-category


To include only those items which do not have a sub-category


Up to five characters


Press <F5> for All sub-categories.

Suppress blank lines

Check this box to eliminate blank lines between items on the report. Leave it unchecked if you wish one line to be skipped prior to printing each item.


Graphical mode: Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is checked

Character mode: One letter, either Y or N. The default is Y


Type Y and then press <Enter>.

Print items with no quantity on hand

Answer Y to include items with zero quantity on-hand. Answer N to exclude items with zero quantity on-hand from the report.

If there is no history for the item it will not print on the report, regardless of what you select here.


Graphical mode: Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is unchecked

Character mode: One letter, either Y or N. The default is N


Press <Enter> to accept the default.

Use standard or actual cost

This question can only be entered if you are using the standard costing method.

Select Standard for standard cost and select Actual for actual cost. In character mode select S or A.


Graphical mode: Drop down list

Character mode: One letter, either S or A.


In our example we are not using standard costing, so this field will not display.

OK or Cancel

Field Number to Change ?

Make any changes needed. Select Enter when you are ready to print the report.